Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I track my revenue?

    Yes. Either from the Financial dashboard or for greater detail in ‘Quick-view’. You can access 80% of your financial metrics from this one page. Simply select the relevant period, then location or practitioner type and view billings vs last year or any previous period.

  • Can I access practitioner financial metrics in a Snapshot View?

    Yes. From the main dashboard, select ‘Snapshot view’. This presents one spreadsheet-style page that gives detailed performance metrics across your practitioner financials, including;

    • Billings
    • Revenue per hour
    • Patients per hour
    • Average patient bill
    • Days away
    • Appointments missed

    You can change periods in this report using the buttons at the top of the page or set a custom date range.

  • Can I find out how my practice is performing with detailed financial metrics?

    Yes. You can find practitioner billings, MBS and bulk billing ratios and even patient visits all from ‘Quick-view’, and then you can dive deeper. As ‘industry standards’ do not reflect the unique building blocks of your practice, the best way to track your performance is comparison to your own data across past periods.

  • Can I find the billing behaviour of practitioners across any month?

    Yes. Go to your finance dashboard and select the practitioner’s name in the drop-down box on the left. Then click on any green button to go to the detail page. Once there, you can change the date ranges you wish to compare.

  • Can I view revenue and patients per hour?

    Yes. You can view this by practitioners by any date range in Snapshot view. If you are interested in calculations of Revenue per hour this can be seen in Quick-view based on the rosters set, or the time recorded for all consults, completed in the time period set vs revenue.

  • Can I track and analyse item billing codes?

    Yes. You can view all or any item code and the impact it has on the business over time. You can view specific category of billings, such as telehealth and short vs long consults, bulk billing vs private billing ratios. Here’s how… Starting from the Item Code sheet set the date range you wish to assess on the left. For multiple Year on Year comparisons, select Item Code YoY tab and the date range you wish to compare against. You can then move any of the controls in the pivot table to change the view to how you like.

  • Can I view accounts receivable data and unclaimed funds?

    Yes. You can follow up on overdue Medicare and non-Medicare fees effortlessly. Here’s how… for an overview these are available on the Financial Dashboard. For details or the ability to export the list, select the green Go to AR button. For detail, select the time frame and/or the AR details tab. Then right click to export to Excel.

  • Can I develop patient retention strategies?

    Yes. You can understand patient behaviour by age, medical condition, or previous billing activity. From here you can create repeatability and regular attendances by targeting each unique audience within your patient database.

  • Can I access Hexalytics: The power of six?

    Yes. Hexalytics is a simple dashboard that provides quick access to six financial and six clinical chart reports by simply selecting a date range. It also includes high value Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) tracking which allows you to find all chronic patients who have never been identified for Preventative Health consults. You can access this direct from the main dashboard, simply click on Clinical Dashboard and scroll down.

  • Can I manage payments to practitioners?

    Yes. You can easily calculate payments to practitioners. Now with two versions - simple and complex. The new complex calculation tab allows you to set specific parameters around your payment such as: different fees by item code/billing type/description, additional fees for procedures, and different fees by practitioners. Complex reporting only requires a spreadsheet to be setup once and it will give you accurate and detailed payment reports for your selected period. All you need to do then is download the payment reports and import into your accounting software. 

    If practitioners require detailed reports, you can export all together or individually.

  • Can I access fast reports in CMx Plus?

    Yes. CMx Plus provides a set of pre-built macros that allow you to retrieve patient reports for HA, CDM, DMMR, PSA, and financial metrics. To access, click on CMx Plus from the main dashboard and select a report for the instant extraction of patient lists.

  • Can I do a P&L (profit & loss) for the first of the month?

    Yes. Whilst we don’t have all your expenses in Clinimetrix we do have revenues and payroll reporting if you have TANDA. As most of your other expenses are fixed or consistent, it’s easy to use Contractor Payments or Snapshot to download reports by practitioner for the last month to build a P&L. Please note, TANDA add-on is an extra cost.

  • Can I get a patient overview and their eligibility for assessments/GP management plans (GPMP)/Team Care Arrangements (TCA)?

    Yes. This is included in both the clinical and financial dashboards. In the Finance dashboard go to Patient Count by Eligible EPC, select the item codes or codes you wish to search. By selecting one code you will be able to select the last time the item was billed. Selecting more than one code only allows for all periods. In either case, you can then select Go To Patient Overview for the list of patients.

    In the clinical dashboard, scroll to Patients with Active Chronic Disease. The conditions are predefined based on diagnosis from your GPs. Select any condition or conditions. If you select one condition you can then select the year the patient last attended. Selecting more than one condition only allows for all periods. In either case, you can then select Go To Patient Overview for the list of patients.

  • Can I find pathology results?

    Yes, there are two ways you can access pathology results.

    From the Clinical dashboard, select the pathology result you wish to analyse from the Test Results chart after selecting the period you wish to search. You will then be able to select the specific or group of results you want from the bell curve shown. Clicking on Go to Tests will open the detail report where you can then look deeper by selecting patients or GPs.

    Otherwise, open the Patient Test results sheet. Select a period from the Calendar control on the left, and then find the test you are looking for. Once selected you will be able to select the range of results by either clicking on the search control in result value and typing in the range in the format >30 or >30<40 or =31. Alternatively, you can select the range in the Abnormal Result column which is usually described as H, L or N from the pathology provider. Using the Abnormal Result column also allows for results where there is no definable number returned such STI’s.

  • Can I track prescriptions?

    Yes. From the Clinical dashboard, select the Drug Class you wish to analyse from the Script Count chart after selecting the period you wish to search. You will then be able to select the drug, by name, if required.

    Clicking on Go to Scripts will open the detail report where you can then look deeper by selecting patient names, GPs, Patient Condition, Patient Age or other details.

    Clicking on the Prescription View tab provides individual script details by patient with date, quantity, and strength.

    Alternatively, go to direct to the Prescription Analysis page choose the date and select the drug class or drug name from the tools at the top of the page.

  • Can I track and monitor PIP QI?

    Yes. You can track Practice Incentive Program requirements and Shared Health Summary uploads by your GPs. On the Clinical Dashboard scroll to the bottom of the page to view live PIP QI results. These compare your current date to the result three months’ prior.

    To find patients who have been missed select the Go To PIP button. First select a month in the PeriodEndName column, this should be the current month. Then click on Filter Patients Missing… button to have a the list of patients who qualify for the PIP QI requirement but have not been recorded in the period.

  • Can I export desired patient lists effortlessly?

    Yes. You can access patient lists for follow up at the click of a button, based on demographics, clinical results, diagnosis and more. Once you have selected the group of patients from any of the tools go to Patient Overview sheet and right click on the section with the patients’ name. Then follow the steps, Download As, Data, Export, Download.

  • Can I track patient referrals?

    Yes. You can track and follow up on patient referrals, understanding which specialists and Allied Health professionals your GPs are referring patients to. Here’s how… Go to the Correspondence Overview sheet and select the time period you wish to search. On the Correspondence chart select the drop down button ‘date’ then select Contact Category or any of the other options available that you wish to view.

    To search for individual patients simply select the patient name to see all correspondence sent or received for that patient.

  • Can I track hospital visits by patient?

    Yes. Go to the Correspondence Overview sheet and select the period you wish to search. In the Contact Name column, select the search icon, then type in ‘Hospital’ and press Enter. In the Correspondence Direction column, select ‘Incoming’ and press Enter.

    To sort by high number of visits to low, click on “In” in the Correspondence In/Out table.

    You can export by right clicking, or select patient names first then go to Patient Overview for more detailed patient information.

  • Can I find out all the patients that have pathology results that indicate a condition where no action has been taken?

    A.   Yes. Follow the steps above to find the pathology result you require. E.g. HbA1c higher than 7.0. In the patientID column, select the search icon, then click on the three dots, click on Select Possible. At the top of the page, you will see the name of the test and the number of patients who meet the criteria. Deselect the name of the test.

    B.   Go to Patient History Analysis sheet. If the sheet does not display data, select a date range.

    Select the search button from Patient History Condition column and type in the first letters of the condition that matches the pathology search, e.g. “diabe..”. This presents all the conditions as documented by your GPs that have these letters. The more letters you enter the more refined the result. Select the conditions individually in the drop-down box or press <Enter> to select all.

    Select <Active> in the Condition Status column and press Enter.

    Click on the search button in Patient column, click on the three dots and click <Select Possible>.

    In the top bar, deselect the Condition Name and the Condition Status.

    In the top bar, click on the Patient box, click in the three dots and press Select Alternative.

    This will present all the patients who have the pathology result you selected but who do not have a matching diagnosis. For example, this action would provide a list of all the patients who have a HbA1c over 7 who DO NOT yet have an active diagnosis of Diabetes.

  • Can I find the demographics for each doctor?

    Yes. From the Finance dashboard, scroll down to see Patients by Age report. You can now select a single or multiple practitioners on the left-hand side drop down box. For more detail, select the Go To Rev Trend button. This report is one of the few Pivot Tables provided and you can move any of the buttons from one side of the report to the other to change your view.

    In the Revenue Trend, sheet click and drag Patient Current Age to the front of the list, then move Dr Name to the 2nd position and so on. To see detail, click on the + button below the line until you have the detail you want. To export, right click on the data. The export will include the data you see on the page, not all the tiers available.

  • Can I find all the patients diagnosed with in the last ?

    Yes. From the Clinical Dashboard, select the period to search at the top of the page, then scroll to Patient Count by Patient Condition. Note that Patient Condition intentionally includes Reason for Visit notes to cater for data entry variances.

    Select the condition/s you are searching for, and press Go To Patient History.

    Due to variances in data entry, we suggest that in Patient History a search for variances of the spelling is done in the Patient History Condition column.

    For a broader date range search, deselect the period in the top bar and update the period using the Calendar function on the left of the screen.

  • Can I find all the patients diagnosed with and discover what medication they are on?

    Yes. From the Clinical Dashboard, select the period and condition as above. You can then use the Script Count chart on the same page to find a matching drug class, otherwise use the Go to Scripts button to search for more detail.

  • Can I find all the patients in a particular demographic that a practitioner cares for?

    Yes. Starting from Quick-View. Add a date range on the controls to the left of screen. Select which location to search below the date range. And select the <Employee Doctor> control. Select the Doctor’s name. Go to <Revenue Trend> in <Sheets> on the top right hand. From the range of patients, select the age bracket you wish to explore. You will find a list of patients within that age bracket and can easily export the details if required for follow-up, simply right click on the data.

  • Can I find the frequency of patient visits for a certain doctor over a certain time-period?

    Yes. Starting from Quick-View, set the date range on the controls to the left of screen. Set the <Location> of the practice you wish to search. Then select the doctor name by clicking on the doctor name on the right hand side chart, or click on Doctor/Item on the left, then <Employee Doctor> in the controls.

    Choose the Doctor’s name and click on the ‘x’ to the right.

    Go into Select Dimensions drop down, select <Patient>.

    Select ‘Table’, then search by ‘Patient’. Invoices, Fees APB and Appointments will all be shown. You can further view Item Codes, dates or time of day by using the Select Dimension drop down. You can click into <History Diagnosis> to explore why the patients are visiting.

  • Can I search a patient by name?

    Yes. Almost every screen has the option to search by patient name or Patient ID. Simply click on the search button and start typing in the entry box. 

  • Can I find every patient in clinic prescribed a certain medication?

    Yes. Set the date range you would like to search in the controls on the left. Click <Sheets> at the top right of the screen, and select <Prescription Analysis>. Select <Script Product Name> and enter the medication name. To see the patient names, use the pivot table to move ‘Patient’ box to the front of the list. To export, change to the Patient Overview sheet, and right click.

  • Can I find every patient diagnosed with ?

    Yes. Set the date range on the controls to the left of screen. Set the location of the practice if required. Click <Sheets> at top right of the screen, go to the Patient History Analysis sheet. Select the search button from Patient History Condition column, and type in the first letters of the condition. This presents all the conditions as documented by your GPs that have these letters. The more letters you enter the more detailed and refined the result. Select the conditions individually in the drop-down box or press <Enter> to select all.

  • Can I download a patient list I have created?

    Yes. Once you have your patient list, go to <Patient Overview>, right click and select <Download>.

  • Can I find all the patients who have a diagnosis for type 2 diabetes who haven’t had a blood test with our clinic in the last 12 months?

    Yes. Go to <Sheets> on the top right. Select <PIP Combined>, a government-driven reporting option. Select the current month, then in the drop-down box, select <PIP Diabetes>.

    Press the ‘Filter Patients by Missing HbA1c’.

    Go to Patient History Analysis sheet, select <Active>, then search for ‘Type 2’ in the Patient History Condition. To export the details, go to Patient Overview sheet, and right click.

  • Can I find all patients over 75 eligible for a Health Assessment who will attend in the next 7 days?

    Yes. This is one of our CMx Plus reports, a pre-designed clinical report. You can access this data in just one click. Go to CMx Plus located in <Sheets>, click the <Health Assessments 75+> to receive your patient list.

  • Can I find how many patients that have a chronic disease who have visited in the have been billed on a chronic health condition code?

    Yes. Set the date range you would like to search in the controls on the left. Go to <Sheets> on the top right. Select <Patient History Condition>, type in the relevant conditions on the drop-down tab located in the control bar to create an exhaustive list. You will receive access to all the relevant patient details.

  • Can I find a patient list of patients due for a GP Management Plan because they have had one in the past but have not had one in the last 12 months?

    Yes. On the Finance Dashboard, scroll to the bottom and select <721> in the ‘Patient Count Eligible EPC’ chart. Then select the year of the last 721. Click on the <Go To Patient Overview> button to see your list. To export the list from there, right click.  

  • Can I find all patients who are eligible for a Team Care Arrangement?

    Yes. On Finance Dashboard, scroll to the bottom and select <723> in the ‘Patient Count Eligible EPC’ chart. Then select the year of the last 723. Click on the <Go To Patient Overview> button to see your list. To export, right click.

  • Can I find all patients between 45 – 49 who will attend in the next 7 days that are eligible for a Health Assessment?

    Yes. This is one of our easy-access CMx Plus reports, a pre-designed clinical report where you can access data in just one click. Go to CMx Plus located in <Sheets>, click <Health Assessments 45 - 49> for your patient list. 

  • Can I find all patients with over 5 scripts in the last 3 months?

    Yes. This is one of our easy-access CMx Plus reports, a pre-designed clinical report where you can access data in just one click. Go to CMx Plus located in <Sheets>, click <Last 92 days> for your patient list. There is also a <Over 5 Scripts> control option you can click.

    For a more detailed report, choose ‘Prescription Analysis’ sheet. Select a date range on the left, move the slider at the top to adjust the minimum number of scripts during the date range. Then press ‘Filter Patients by Script Cut Off’.

    With this list you can then search by detailed drug class or by drug name by adding the search term in the search box.

  • Can I find all patients that have visited the practice in the past 18 months, with PSA recorded >3 who have never been referred to a Urologist?

    Yes. This is one of our easy-access CMx Plus reports, a pre-designed clinical report where you can access data in just one click. Go to CMx Plus located in <Sheets>, click <PSA> for your patient list.

  • Can I track clinical campaigns and program results?

    Yes. You can devise and track campaigns and results based on your unique patient list. By comparing pathology and observation results over time you can compare results pre and post campaigns.

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